The Lie About Our Mental Health creativity emotional intelligence eq mental health

Our mental health is as crucial as our physical health. Each affects the other significantly. Many people prioritize physical health way more than mental health as though it is an indulgence. However, it is crucial for each and every one of us.

Our emotional well-being, like our physical...

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Our Attitude About Failure is Fโ€™d UP

Failure is a natural part of life. However, we were taught early on that failure meant getting an F. And getting an F was shameful and usually meant something was wrong with us and that we had some kind of contagious disease. I remember kids who got an F and the look and feel of humiliation would...

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Your Dreams Matter More Than You Know breakthrough dreams dreams matter health matters life matters

I’m crazy passionate about a variety of things. For most of my life, the topics of psychology, art, writing, (basically all things creative) spirituality, health, love, and being an entrepreneur have been all-encompassing. I could build a house with all the books I have on each of those...

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The Real reason we stay STUCK mind and body stuck

People get stuck. We all do. But some people can get stuck in patterns that last decades and it is hurting their happiness and creates suffering.

As a therapist and coach, this is true. People stay in stuck patterns throughout their life and wonder why. I’ve worked with hundreds of people...

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Burned Out burnout life-inventory overwhelm self-care wellness

Indulge me -- I created an acronym. This is one of the biggest problems I am seeing. Does any of this resonate with you?

B - Burned out
U - Unfulfilled
R - Repressing feelings
N - Neglecting self
E - Energy drains
D - Depressed

O - Overwhelm
U - Unsatisfied
T - Time Out

Burnout and Overwhelm are a real...

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What the heck is The Creative Somatic Solution? goals transformation unstuck

Are you feeling disconnected internally, stuck in the same ole patterns, putting off goals to the “perfect” time that never ever fricken comes?

After 30 years of being a therapist and coach, I synthesized the best of what I have learned all over the world that would create profound...

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Why embodiment is the most important work of your life embodiment mind and body

Most people think they are embodied. But most people aren’t. From the time we enter school and for the rest of our lives, we primarily focus on embodying one muscle.

The Brain.

While our brains are absolutely important, most people forget that they have another information center… ...

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Restoring our Power and Integrity to our โ€œSelfโ€

I had a Moment this week where I had to embody one of the things I teach...

I was at the dentist's (the last place I wanted to be) waiting for my appointment. The receptionist was very polite and had me take a seat. I began scrolling through my phone to answer emails and deal with some business...

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