What the heck is The Creative Somatic Solution?

goals transformation unstuck Mar 28, 2022
mind and body

Are you feeling disconnected internally, stuck in the same ole patterns, putting off goals to the “perfect” time that never ever fricken comes?

After 30 years of being a therapist and coach, I synthesized the best of what I have learned all over the world that would create profound change in people’s lives. I created The Creative Somatic Solution.

We get stuck all the time. Self-sabotage, the inner critic, judge, shamer, perfectionist, comparer, analysis paralysis, the uncomfortable comfort zone, imposter syndrome... and that’s just inside you... then we have the patterns in relationships and getting stuck on the gerbil wheel of auto-pilot and brain patterning.

All of those are a subject of their own. With all of that, we need hope. We need to know we can get out of this rat’s next.

You Can! You can transform the stuck patterns to live an inspired and courageous life.

Do you have any goals or dreams you can’t seem to take steps on and/or feels risky? Do you have books you wanted to write, painting classes or shows you want to do, creative projects that are sitting around, a new job adventure you would like to try, a place you want to travel to, a new blog you wanted to start... or you start a goal and you start and stop and rinse and repeat.

This means that we have to do something other than talk or think about it. Otherwise, we get back on that painful gerbil wheel and we feel like crap about ourselves because we couldn’t shift it.

But NO ONE taught us how to get out of the swampland of stuck-ness.

The Creative Somatic Solution is a way of shifting out of just our heads, creating a new awareness of what is really going on and into using our whole body and mind. This helps integrate you back into your true self and do it in ways that are healing and uplifting... And getting out of Stuck Swampland to live an inspired life.

If you have ever heard of “the couch to a 10,” I have seen many of my clients go from the couch to being motivated to working on those stuck goal, working on their passion projects or creating things they never thought they could and moving from the couch to being on fire in their life.

I also know this works because I have to do it all the time. During the pandemic, there have been phases where it felt like I was walking through sludge. But I knew I had to millimetre by millimetre shift this and do a re-haul. I had to shed the skins of what was leaving me in a sludgy state.

Inspiration is pouring through me again. My newest goal for this year is to run a half-marathon and create a new art show of healing the wounded woman.

Yep, I have to practice what I preach…but that’s why I know what does and doesn’t work. I got a little stuck in the pandemic sludge and had to get my butt working with these progressive tools. I feel myself connected again….as i can only help people if I am truly connected to my own presence and passionate pursuits.

It’s time to wake up and bring the light back to you.

Let’s get out of the swamp!


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