One big reason why you are stuck...

feelings Feb 18, 2022
internal check-in

One major reason I see clients and students stuck is that we were not taught to do a daily internal check-in. Why does this matter? Without an internal check-in, we don’t really know what the heck is really going on inside of us.

The problem is that we think we do. When I bring people into guided internal check-ins, they realize that there are a whole host of emotions, feelings, internal battles, and dialogues going on inside. And this is what is driving people’s lives.

We all need a review of what is going on in our whole system. Without this knowledge, we are screwed. Pardon the language but it’s true.

This is why patterns are recreated over and over again. It’s like trying to drive a car without knowing about the car and all of its controls. We have to check the car to make sure there is gas, no warning lights, it’s not overheating, etc. We know more about our cars than we do about ourselves in many ways.

One step to take to getting unstuck is to do an internal inventory once a day. Get your brain in the habit of checking in to see what you are feeling. You may be missing moments of peace, happiness, joy, etc. as well.

But you also want to be aware of the range of what you are feeling as it is contributing to your decision making everyday which can lead to being more stuck or it can show the path to becoming freer.


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