Navigating the Holiday Happiness Hurdle: The Pressure to Be Merry

feelings holiday season self-care Dec 21, 2023
The Pressure to Be Merry

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, laughter, and merriment with your completely healthy and happy family and friends. Festive decorations, cheerful carols, and the aroma of delicious treats fill the air.

However, beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic season, many individuals experience a unique kind of pressure—the pressure to be happy and perfect. Look, life is messy not just merry. And it can be excruciating for many at any holiday when you are going through challenges.

But what can make it worse for many? The pressure to be happy and bright all the time.

In this blog post, we'll explore the societal expectations and personal challenges that contribute to this phenomenon and discuss ways to navigate the holiday happiness hurdle.

The Social Expectation

During the holidays, there is an unwritten rule that everyone should be merry and full of festive spirit. Social media, advertisements, and even popular culture perpetuate the image of perfect, joyous celebrations. This creates a pervasive expectation that can be challenging for those who are facing personal difficulties or struggling with their mental health. No one is showing the woman who is ragging on herself because she is stressing about weight gain, someone who is losing their job or getting a divorce. But even if they were, many would try to pressure them to just think positively or be happy for the holidays.

Personal Challenges

For some, the holidays may be a time of reflection and introspection, bringing to the surface feelings of loneliness, grief, or stress. The contrast between personal struggles and the external expectation to be happy can be overwhelming. Factors such as financial strain, family dynamics, and the relative who may be smuggling with addiction. or the loss of loved ones can intensify the internal pressure to put on a happy face. Presently, in my own life, my very cherished puppy was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and is in his last month. (Yes, I am an animal enthusiast and believe they are angels in disguise).

Navigating the Pressure

Acknowledge Your Feelings

It's okay not to feel ecstatic during the holidays. Allowing yourself to have the full feelings of sadness can make things lighter in yourself. Acknowledge and accept your emotions, whether they are positive or challenging. Understanding your feelings and attuning to what is needed rather than trying to fake it is the first step in navigating the pressure to be happy.

Set Realistic Expectations

Recognize that perfection is a crazy unrealistic standard. Some of the greatest holidays had disasters happen. Set achievable goals and expectations for yourself, (actually drop the dumb expectations), and don't compare your experience to an idealized version portrayed in the media. Everyone has stuff behind closed doors. Social media doesn’t show it.

Reach Out for Support

If you're going through a difficult time, don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional. Sharing your feelings can provide a sense of relief and support. Support is everything.

Create Meaningful Traditions and Priorities

Focus on creating traditions that have true meaning and have personal significance. Whether it's a small gathering, a quiet moment of reflection, or a simple act of kindness, prioritize what matters most to you.. not just prioritizing everyone else

Practice Self-Honor

Take care of your well-being by incorporating self-care practices into your routine. (I know, I know, people glaze over this) This can include activities like meditation, exercise, or spending time doing things that bring you comfort.

While the pressure to be happy during the holidays is real, it's essential to recognize and honor the unique challenges each individual may face. By acknowledging your feelings, setting realistic expectations, seeking support, and prioritizing self-honor, you can navigate the holiday happiness hurdle with authenticity and resilience. Remember, the true spirit of the season lies in connection, understanding, and compassion… for yourself and others.


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