Friendship and Love
Feb 15, 2022Last week, on my social media channels, I talked about Friendship. Friendships can feed the soul.
Valentines Day was yesterday and our culture is very couple centric. If Valentines Day is a day about love... why don’t we emphasize that friendships are as valuable as any other relationship. In fact, many friendships outlast intimate relationships if we tend to them.
Friendships are precious and can transform trauma, grief, and even a pandemic. They can be one of the factors that Revive you from the struggles of life. Putting time and effort to nurture your friendships in having a life that thrives.
Reach out to a friend today. Tell them what they mean to you. Tell them you love them. And water those friendships like you do a garden as the fruit that comes back is reviving to your spirit and theirs.
Friendships are such an important factor for your spirit.
Take an inventory of your friendships... Are you neglecting them, are they neglecting you? What can you do to revive them if they are important to you?
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