Announcement To All Women Creators, Leaders, and Entrepreneurs

creativity self-love Jul 14, 2023
Women Creators, Leaders, and  Entrepreneurs

I am beyond excited about something and am chomping at the bit to share it with you.

I have been working with women creators (of all sorts), leaders, and entrepreneurs for 30 years. Some of my very favorite work is helping women get unblocked, un-unstifled, and unstuck, releasing old patterns that keep them clogged, jammed up, in analysis paralysis, perfectionism, and more. I have led courses, coaching groups, and workshops on unleashing those things that bind women up.

I am opening up my brand- Creative Women Unleashed, to the public and will be sharing mini-courses, my signature course for women who are ready to face what is holding them back, a group hybrid coaching program for women who are ready to take a giant leap and risk to do what their inner creator is screaming at them to do and will get them from NONE or halfway into DONE. This could be “that” book you have wanted to write, a series of paintings, a course that you are longing to develop, an entrepreneurial or creative pursuit that has been magnetically trying to pull you to do it, but you are procrastinating, having self-doubts, working through trauma that stops you, fear of failing, numbing your inner desire with substances or screens, feelings of imposter syndrome, fear of judgment or you have been sacrificing your inner longings, inner perfectionism or analysis paralysis.

Women do have unique challenges in this arena. I can’t tell you how much joy I feel and women feel when they are working through the sludge that is holding them back from a goal they have. I know, I have struggled myself and know it intimately and it’s why I want to share this with you.

Originally when I heard the name “Creative Women Unleashed,” I screamed. I have a crazy passion for helping women really do what they want to do. My soul is a multi-creator, but the battles I have gone through made me even more passionate about helping women BREAKTHROUGH. So you will hear me in here talking all things about igniting your inner creator and moving past the clogged inner arteries and outer barriers that are stopping you from doing it.

If this email speaks to you, let me know. What are your inner struggles? What do you know is holding you back? I will do my best to answer here or even make a call so you can get some guidance (on the house) about what is jamming you up.

One of my favorite quotes is “This is not a dress rehearsal.” It really isn’t. Keep reading and tuning in to get you moving.

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